We are getting to the point in the Convention when people at home get to see much of what we do. I haven't watched any of that coverage, but have been inside the hall. The convention gaveled in at 3pm MST, and spent some time on Convention business before getting down to the business of speech giving. What everyone at home may not get to see is that the podium is a parade of 3-5 minute speeches until we get to prime time. Prominent Members of Congress, big city mayors, labor leaders, etc all take a turn, and are supported by a huge "podium operations" department backstage. I'll try to get a picture from back there tomorrow, but picture something not unlike a movie set. Green rooms, practice rooms, makeup rooms, etc all make up the backstage.
The Kennedy package tonight was particularly moving. To many Democrats, the Kennedy family IS the democratic party, and having Ken Burns produce a video package caused many a tear in the Convention Hall. I had heard this morning that he wasn't even sure he would be able to make it on stage, so I was impressed to see him deliver his thoughts with enthusiasm, thoughfulness and inspiration.
Delegates LOVE Michelle Obama. I don't know if I've seen anything quite like it. I'm not sure the populist message came all the way through, but I enjoyed her speech. I thought the family moment at the end with Obama coming in on a satellite feed was fantastic. Whoever thought that one up deserves a raise!!
As for protesters, there aren't a lot, but they are being controlled quite a bit. I was caught in a tear-gassed crowd trying to make my way back to my hotel this afternoon. There are police/swat units at every major corner, and the security perimeter around the Pepsi Center is HUGE. It's probably a good 15 minute walk from the checkpoints to the actual arena.
Tomorrow is batting practice at Coors Field, and then off to hear Hillary. I'll be at the women's caucus in the morning, and will let you know the tempo. I feel like some of the cracks from the primary season are beginning to close.
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